4 Ways to Lower Your HVAC’s Energy Costs

When it comes to commercial buildings, it’s important to cut down on utility costs wherever possible without sacrificing security and comfort. That being said, it’s not unheard of for your building’s HVAC system to consume an amount of energy that won’t hurt your pocketbook each month. As a trusted local company that offers quality HVAC repair and replacement services, we want to help you cut down on your energy costs. Here are some of the best ways to do so:

Conduct Scheduled Maintenance Checks Regularly 

Your building’s HVAC system should be checked and maintained regularly if you want to cut down on energy costs. This is to ensure that your heating and cooling system is in peak working condition, which aids in efficient energy consumption. If you put off regular maintenance, your system will deteriorate and accumulate dust, dirt and other debris over time. When this happens, it can affect the ventilation system of your HVAC unit, prompting it to work harder and consume more energy. It can also lead to costly repairs and replacements if left unattended for extended periods of time. 

Invest In Programmable Thermostats & Smart Technology

Along with HVAC maintenance, you can try to have the air ventilation and temperature manually adjusted so it uses just the right amount of energy to keep your office building at a comfortable temperature for its occupants. It’s generally most effective to keep this setting as it is, but it’s a different story when the occupants are gone for the weekend. It’s not really efficient to keep your HVAC system’s settings the same in this type of scenario, so in order to prevent wasted energy, install programmable thermostats so they can do the adjusting for you. When combined with smart technology, your system can even detect the presence or absence of people within your building so it can adjust its heating and cooling systems accordingly.

Invest In Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems

Although it may sound like you need to spend more for your commercial building, you can actually get double or even triple the return on your investment if you consider replacing a system that’s over 10 years old. Keep in mind that newer ENERGY STAR®-rated HVAC models usually have higher SEER ratings, which also means higher energy efficiency. With today’s SEER ratings ranging from 14 to 18, it’s more cost-effective energy-wise to replace systems 10 years old or older.

Whether you need residential heat pump repair or a professional HVAC inspection of your building, don’t hesitate to hire out our excellent services. To get started, just call Dittmer Air and Heat at (321) 637-0170. You can also contact us via this convenient online form.