How High Indoor Humidity Can Affect Your Home and Health

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Many people find high humidity uncomfortable, especially in hot climates or seasons. This is because heat causes people to sweat, but that sweat takes too long to evaporate when it’s humid because the surrounding air is already saturated with moisture. This is what makes people feel “sticky”.

Unfortunately, too much humidity can have adverse effects on your home and health. Today, your trusted HVAC maintenance expert, Dittmer Air and Heat, reveals the most important things to know about humidity.

Health Issues

Too much humidity doesn’t just make your skin clammy; it also has detrimental effects on your health. Humidity can cause heat exhaustion, especially in summer, because you can’t cool down enough through sweat evaporation. In addition, humidity can also have a negative effect on your health if you have allergies, as high indoor humidity aids in the spread of biological agents and indoor pollutants. Babies can also contract pneumonia and asthma due to their immune system being underdeveloped.

Air Pollutants

High humidity levels permit existing air pollutants in your home to proliferate, such as mold spores (which thoroughly enjoy the presence of moisture). To prevent this, we recommend hiring HVAC repair pros such as ours at Dittmer Air and Heat to install air purifiers and dehumidifiers or suggest air quality improvement systems for your home.

Compromising Your Clothing and Electronics

Electronics and certain fabrics have to maintain a certain level of humidity to prolong their life span. Too much humidity can damage your electronics and cause them to corrode or overheat, while articles of clothing can develop mold and unpleasant odors. Even carpets and mattresses can be affected, as extra humidity would make them the ideal environment for dust mites to multiply.

There is, however, a way to prevent too much humidity in your home: enlisting the help of an HVAC professional for an air quality improvement system. At Dittmer Air and Heat, we can help improve your home’s indoor air quality and regulate the amount of humidity in your home.

To learn more about our services, including heat pump repair, you may contact us at (321) 408-5090 or (407) 233-0730. You can also fill out our contact form to request a consultation. We serve Cocoa, FL, and other nearby areas.