How to Control Indoor Humidity This Summer

The summer season can bring excess indoor humidity. Aside from making you feel uncomfortable, it can also lead to mold and bacterial growth that can decrease air quality, triggering allergies and other respiratory issues. If you’re feeling overheated due to high indoor humidity levels, you might be tempted to lower your thermostat temperature. However, this can cause your utility bills to skyrocket.  

It’s important to note that the ideal indoor humidity level is 30 to 50 percent. So, how can you reduce humidity levels? Dittmer Air Conditioning & Heating shares tips on controlling indoor humidity in summer. 

Use Your AC System

Your home’s air conditioning system introduces cooler air into your living spaces while removing warm air, effectively reducing your home’s indoor humidity levels. Get in touch with your HVAC technician to have it tuned up in time for the summer season. To make sure that it works effectively, replace the air filters regularly.

Get a Dehumidifier 

Your AC system might be enough to lower indoor humidity levels, but you can supplement it by getting a dehumidifier. Some fit right inside the air handler of your AC unit, removing moisture from the air passing through it. The result is dry, cool air circulating inside your home. Having a dehumidifier also means you can use your AC less, translating to lower energy bills every month.

Turn On Exhaust Fans

Another way to control indoor humidity levels is to turn your exhaust fans on when taking a shower or cooking food. This summer, try keeping them on a little longer than usual even after you’re done with these activities to remove more moisture.

Stay comfortable indoors by getting in touch with the experts at Dittmer Air Conditioning & Heating. We offer top-notch air conditioning services, including new installation, repair and maintenance. We also provide round-the-clock emergency services. Call us today at (321) 637-0170 or fill out our online contact form to set an appointment.