HVAC Best Practices That Can Save Your Business Money

The electric consumption of HVAC systems in businesses is naturally higher than in residential homes, mainly due to the size and special requirements of these establishments. Obviously, this means that commercial HVAC units are responsible for a huge chunk of a business’s monthly expenses. Fortunately, there are some simple ways your business can save money in this aspect. HVAC repair expert Dittmer Air and Heat shares a few of these tips below.

Programmable Thermostats

With programmable thermostats, you can set your indoor temperature higher or lower depending on when particular spaces are in use. You can also opt for seven-day models, which are a practical choice for businesses operating on five-day schedules where less energy is used on weekends or other two-day periods. Scheduling the temperature in your business reduces energy waste and allows you to save you hundreds of dollars per year.

HVAC Filter Replacement

Dirty filters usually restrict airflow, which causes your HVAC systems to work harder and consume more energy. This also often results in poor indoor air quality and more HVAC issues. Filters for commercial HVAC units should be switched out every one to three months.

Regular Quality Maintenance

Commercial HVAC maintenance should be performed regularly and correctly. By following a proper maintenance routine, you can ensure that your HVAC systems and equipment aren’t wasting energy due to damage, aging or poor performance.

HVAC Upgrades and/or Replacement

HVAC systems and equipment that are already past their suggested service life will no longer be able to perform at an optimal level. This usually has an effect on their efficiency, so if your HVAC systems are composed of old units, it’s often best to replace them. This can improve the energy efficiency of your office, shop or warehouse and reduce your energy costs.

Dittmer Air and Heat provides a range of services, including heat pump repair, air conditioning installation and maintenance plans. We offer our expertise to residential and commercial clients. Call us at (321) 637-0170 or fill out our contact form to request a consultation.