Is It Time to Upgrade Your Building’s HVAC System?

The state of Florida is world-famous for its oranges, beautiful beaches and hot, humid weather. Unfortunately, it’s this last one that can cause a lot of trouble in terms of HVAC maintenance. Hotels and other commercial buildings often spend quite a lot to keep their heating and cooling systems in good enough shape to stand up against the Florida sun, which even in winter can still be pretty intense.

Taking good care of your heating and cooling units makes a lot of sense, especially if they’re brand-new. Doing so keeps the system running efficiently and protects it from common HVAC problems. However, there comes a point when repairs and tune-ups outweigh the cost of a full replacement, and it’s this fact that trips up facility and property managers a lot. When should you replace your HVAC system? Our experts at Dittmer Air Conditioning & Heating offer a few answers below.

Old age. Most heating and air conditioning systems have a lifespan of at least 10 years. During this time, getting HVAC repairs is more practical than replacing it completely, barring extreme circumstances. It’s lifespan can also be longer or shorter depending on how well you take care of your system. A good rule of thumb is that if your unit has been around for more than 10 years, it’s time to consider upgrading to a new one.

Higher energy utilization. If your energy bills are steadily increasing, your unit may no longer be as efficient as it once was. If this is the case, you can book an inspection appointment with your local HVAC technician to determine if switching to a newer, more efficient model is advisable.

Major problems. Most HVAC and heat pump issues can be fixed well enough by a timely HVAC or heat pump repair visit. However, problems such as loud banging noises, frozen evaporator coils, blower fan blow-outs and other serious issues can be a sign that you’ll need a replacement HVAC system soon.

At Dittmer Air Conditioning & Heating, we’re your leading provider of HVAC installation, repairs and replacement services. Give us a call at (321) 637-0170 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate on commercial HVAC installations today.