Air Conditioner Size – Savings & Efficiency

“Homes that earn the Energy Star prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

A frequent mistake homeowners make is having an over-sized air conditioning unit installed. Bigger is not always better. A bigger AC will cool your home faster so you will feel the results almost immediately, creating the illusion that your air conditioner is working efficiently. In reality, a larger unit will run for shorter periods of time not reaching peak efficiency. It can also cause your system to shut off before cooling your entire home because of the quick bursts of cool air that can cause the thermostat to receive an inaccurate temperature reading. One of our specialists can help you determine the right size system for your home so that you get the best results and avoid these common problems.

(United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2015)