4 Contributors to High Utility Bills This Winter

It’s generally accepted that winter equals high energy bills. After all, your heating system is working hard during this time. With that in mind, it pays to know how you can reduce your energy consumption.

In this post, HVAC air conditioner repair expert Dittmer Air and Heat discusses the top four contributors to high heating bills and what you can do to keep them down.

Poor Insulation

Poor insulation in your house can cause your heating system to work harder. To determine if this is a problem in your home, start by checking your windows and doors for air leaks. then inspect the weatherstripping to see if any needs replaced. Consider using Low-E windows to prevent heat from escaping your home. Warm air rises and will escape through your roof if your attic is inadequately insulated, so it’s important to ensure it has the proper amount of insulation.

Not Properly Maintaining Your Heating System

Regular maintenance of your heating system is crucial for it to work effectively and efficiently. This should include cleaning and replacing your heat pump filters as needed and ensuring that the outdoor unit is free of debris. There should be clearance around all sides of the outdoor unit to allow for proper airflow.

Annual checkups of your heating system will help you determine if repairs are necessary and save you from future headaches. The same is true if you’re using a furnace or boiler as your main or supplemental heating system. You might also want to have indoor air quality testing performed during the HVAC maintenance service.

Setting Your Thermostat Higher Than You Should

If your thermostat is set fairly high, you can turn it down a few degrees without compromising comfort to reduce your energy consumption. It’s also a good time to pull out those sweaters hiding in the back of your closet.