4 Key Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Smells Musty

Summers in Florida are very warm and fairly humid, while in the winter the air changes periodically from cool to cold. Most property owners rely heavily on their HVAC system, a technology developed for indoor comfort. However, air conditioning often becomes one of those things in our everyday lives that we take for granted.

The air conditioning unit smelling musty is one problem you simply can’t ignore. For an AC unit to emit such an unclean, unpleasant odor, it’s possible that after installation you may have forgotten that regular AC maintenance is key to safeguarding your comfortable living situation. Before you call for an HVAC air conditioner repair, it’s best to understand what’s causing the issue in the first place.

Excess Moisture Around the Air Vents- Humid temperatures are frequently responsible for excess moisture accumulating around the air vents of your air conditioning unit. Sooner or later, patches of mold will begin to appear, producing the unpleasant smell you noticed. This can be prevented, however, with professional cleaning.

Frozen Evaporator Coils- It’s important to regularly change your air filter to avoid undesirable dirt buildup. When left unchecked, such buildup can block airflow, causing drops of water to pool–and later freeze–on the evaporator coils. This can prevent your AC unit from functioning properly, so it’s best to find a specialist to repair any damage and perform indoor air quality testing.

Full Drain Pan- The drain pan, or drip pan, catches water droplets formed from moisture in the air.  With enough wear and tear, it won’t be able to drain the collected water properly, causing mold buildup.

Clogged Condensate Line- The condensate line is the pipe where the collected water in the drain pan passes through. Since it’s seldom dry, it can become an attractive location for mold and mildew growth.

With the help of trusted HVAC technicians, you’ll no longer have to tolerate the musty smell coming from your air conditioning system. Dittmer Air and Heat specializes in both residential and commercial HVAC sales and services. We have a dedicated team of experienced technicians who will ensure that your systems—from restaurant refrigeration to central air conditioning—are functioning at their best.

Call us today at (321) 408 5090 or (407) 233 0730. You may also fill out this contact form to request a consultation.