Help! My Heat Pump Is Completely Frozen!

Today, many companies who offer installation of new HVAC units, air conditioner repairs and furnace maintenance are seeing the advantages of using a heat pump. Heat pumps often have a bad reputation for not being able to measure up to the performance of their more traditional counterparts. However, these systems shine when used in temperate climates, where summers are hot and winters are mild, which is exactly the kind that you’ll see if you live in Florida.

Heat pumps work differently from other types of HVAC systems. This means they might display certain behaviors that could alarm users who aren’t familiar with how they function. One example of this is when the outdoor unit appears to be completely covered in frost. Here our experienced HVAC technicians at Dittmer Air Conditioning & Heating explain why a frozen heat pump isn’t uncommon.

Frozen Heat Pumps

Unlike air conditioners and furnaces, which cool and heat the air, heat pumps transfer heat from one place to another. This is done with refrigerant that flows freely throughout the whole system. This refrigerant passes through the coils of a heat exchanger, where the changes in temperature can condense water vapor and create a layer of ice on the outdoor unit. This can make the heat pump look as if it’s completely frozen.

No Reason to Panic

Frozen coils can lead homeowners to call their HVAC technician to line up an inspection and possibly even indoor air quality testing. However, heat pumps are actually designed to get rid of this layer of frost all by themselves. These units have a “defrost” mode that triggers automatically when excessive ice forms on the coils. Generally speaking, a frozen heat pump is actually normal and shouldn’t be a cause for concern.

Regular Maintenance

As with other HVAC equipment, heat pumps also benefit from regular maintenance. If icing on your coils occurs too frequently, a thorough tune-up, refrigerant top-up or filter change done by a professional can keep your heat pump in good working condition throughout the winter and every other season as well. 

From home heating and cooling services to restaurant refrigeration, Dittmer Air Conditioning & Heating is your trusted name in HVAC installation, repairs and maintenance. Call our technicians at (321) 637-0170 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and request a free estimate on heat pump installations today.