Quality HVAC Installation: Why Is It Important?

Imagine spending thousands of dollars on HVAC equipment only to realize it’s not performing as it should. Did you get the wrong unit? Were you promised more than what the equipment can deliver? It’s possible, but you are most likely looking at the after-effects of improper HVAC installation. 

When improperly installed, even high-end systems, after all, will not be able to perform as designed, leading to frequent and premature HVAC air conditioner repair. Invest in quality installation from trusted HVAC experts like Dittmer Air & Heat, however, and you can enjoy:

Superior Efficiency 

Did you know that poor HVAC installation can result in a 30% decrease in efficiency? This means you’re not getting full use of your unit simply because it was not installed properly.

Increased HVAC Lifespan

Poor installation can lead to premature HVAC damage, resulting in a reduced lifespan for your system. This is especially true for commercial applications, like restaurant refrigeration systems running 24/7, where serious wear and tear are unavoidable. And if you’re not making the most of your HVAC system’s rated service life, you’re not making the most of your investment.

Improved Indoor Comfort

One of the primary purposes of an HVAC system is to keep indoor environments comfortable. When one is improperly installed, it cannot do its job well, resulting in inconsistencies in temperature. Indoor air quality testing may also reveal precursors to potential health issues.

A high-quality HVAC system can be a significant investment, so it makes sense to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth. Fortunately, Dittmer Air & Heat can help you with that, offering top-tier installation services to complement the best HVAC systems available today. To learn more about what we can do for you, just give us a call at (321) 637-0171, Schedule a FREE consultation today!