Your HVAC Maintenance Resolutions for 2024

With the New Year upon us, many homeowners have an excellent opportunity to establish new maintenance resolutions for their HVAC systems. Given the importance of your system for comfort and indoor air quality, let’s explore some good practices to adopt and bad habits to break in this post by residential HVAC and restaurant refrigeration expert Dittmer Air and Heat.

Prioritizing System Maintenance

Regular maintenance is the cornerstone of HVAC longevity. Schedule preventive check-ups with Dittmer Air and Heat to ensure your system runs smoothly year-round. Doing so makes you less likely to be caught off guard by untimely malfunctions.

Regular Filter Replacement

Regularly changing your filters is among the easiest yet most impactful resolutions you can make for your HVAC system. Clean, functional filters mean effective pollutant blocking that improves indoor air quality. A simple monthly inspection and replacement can circumvent the need for more serious HVAC air conditioner repair down the line.

Updating Your Control Systems

Consider the efficiency of a programmable thermostat. If your local weather demands a smart system that adjusts to your lifestyle, you can prevent unnecessary strain on your HVAC. For restaurant refrigeration, upgraded controls mean more precise temperature management, ensuring both quality and safety for your customers.

Indoor Air Quality Improvement Initiatives

Indoor air quality testing is not just a luxury; it’s becoming increasingly essential. Incorporate air purifying actions into your routine maintenance. Whether it’s through installing upgraded air filters or adopting new tech solutions that monitor air quality, these steps can significantly improve the overall healthfulness of your environment.

Break the Bad Habit of Neglect

One bad habit to eliminate this year is the “out of sight, out of mind” approach to your HVAC system. Routine inspections should be on your calendar as prominently as any other appointment. Avoid waiting until issues arise; proactive care is key to avoiding breakdowns and emergency calls—especially when cooling solutions are vital for your comfort in hot weather.

Good Habits Worth Adopting

Put in place a habit of periodically checking for airflow obstructions. Keep your ducts clear and ensure your vents aren’t being blocked, be it at home or within your business’s setting, including crucial spaces like the kitchen area, where restaurant refrigeration units must operate efficiently.

Don’t Wait—Upgrade!

Is your system showing its age? Older HVAC systems can drain energy and your wallet. If your setup is over a decade old, consider an upgrade. Newer, energy-efficient models can save significant amounts over time, all while providing superior comfort even during the summer and winter months.

Resolve to take better care of your HVAC system in 2024. Dittmer Air and Heat is ready to support you in achieving your heating and cooling maintenance resolutions. Call us at (321) 637-0170, or fill out this contact form to get an estimate.