Windows are such an important home feature that it’s quite unusual to find a room without one. Windows serve as passageways, allowing natural air to flow in and cool down your interior. However, there may be certain scenarios where a windowless room has to be used for a specific purpose – for instance, a much-needed home office, a laundry room or even a guest room. In these cases, ventilation becomes absolutely imperative.

How do you ventilate a room without a window? Dittmer Air and Heat, a leading HVAC and restaurant refrigeration contractor in the region, shares a few solutions here.
Install a ventless air conditioner. A ventless air conditioner is very similar to a portable fan, but it offers much better cooling performance. It essentially works like an evaporative cooler and comes with a compartment that converts the ice or water added to it into a mist. The cool mist settles down eventually and keeps the room cool.
Use a through-the-wall air conditioner. This is a modern version of the classic air conditioner homeowners use. As its name suggests, this method requires securing the AC unit to the wall. This should be an exterior wall, as the air conditioner needs to vent outside properly. A through-the-wall air conditioner needs proper care, which is why it’s vital to call in an HVAC air conditioner repair expert at the first sign of damage.
Get a ceiling fan. This may just be the easiest and most common solution of all. A ceiling fan doesn’t just cool the occupants of the room in which it’s installed; it’s also pocket-friendly and doesn’t consume much electricity.
If you have a windowless room that needs ventilation, call the experts at Dittmer Air and Heat. We offer HVAC installation as well as indoor air quality testing. Schedule a FREE consultation by calling us at (321) 341-2810 or completing our form.